
Sycamore Trust

Like the ancient Sycamore tree standing watch over the Grotto, Sycamore Trust, with its broad base of supporters within the Notre Dame Family, seeks to protect the school’s formative heritage — its Catholic identity and its sustaining relationship to the Church.  This nonprofit organization provides  a source of information, a vehicle for the exchange of views and a means to both offer support and express respectful criticism on this core issue. Sycamore Trust has been a source of inspiration and a model of effectiveness for alumni groups at other Catholic universities.

Visit the site and sign up for the organization’s informative bulletins here.


ralph_mcinerny_sm wnicgorski bill_dempsey
Sycamore Trust is a model of calm and reasonable yet unrelenting friendly questioning of recent events on the South Bend Campus There will be no sweeping under the rug of actions of the University at variance with mission and its catholicity…because of the efforts of Sycamore Trust. Alumni at other Catholic schools didn’t realized that their schools were losing their Catholic hearts and minds until it was too late to stop it. That shouldn’t happen at Notre Dame.
Ralph McInerny
Internationally acclaimed scholar and storied Notre Dame teacher
Walter Nicgorski
Professor Emeritus
Program of Liberal Studies
William H. Dempsey, ‘52
Sycamore Trust
Founding President